Sunday, August 21, 2011

The waiting game:T minus 20.

I'm about ready to start shuffling about responsibilities onto volunteers for an indefinite period. Probably only a few days, but plan for the worst, hope for the best right? My baby is going to stay with the grandparents (the furry baby that is.) The scaly one is fine for a week or so without me. I'm taking my car out to my chosen recuperation place and will drive back into town tonight with my "responsible adult with appropriate vehicle." I can't eat or drink anything after midnight, (I'm starting to wonder if they think I'll multiply and turn into a gremlin) and I can't even drink water in the morning before my surgery. I was hoping for a calming cup of tea, but no. Ugh.
Tonight when I get back, I'm cooking dinner and packing up food, and going shopping for the week. The past few days have convinced me that there's something to this macrobiotic movement. The anxiety and general unease I've had has minimized rather than increased. I'm not sure whether it's the food or a product of the acceptance stage. Either way, I'm committed. Now where'd I put my cup of bancha? (They call it kukicha at Tao of Tea.) Seriously, you should try this stuff! It's very low caffeine, excellent taste and alkalinizing as well. It's as good cool as warm, so if I misplace my cup, it's just as tasty when I find it half an hour later!

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